What Others Are Saying

“I supported Proposition 47 and I support Proposition 36 because it is necessary and a common-sense adjustment to our current law. Under current law, you can repeatedly commit retail theft and continue to be charged with a misdemeanor… As the robberies and organized crime syndicates get involved, it’s not about stealing a bottle of nail polish, but shelves of makeup that are resold online or at flea markets… Doing it as a way of making a living drives up the cost for everyone else, causes a loss of jobs as stores close, loss of convenience to consumers, and sometimes even endangers lives…”

Jackie Speier Supervisor-elect, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors and former Congresswoman

“Prop 36 will make our justice system fair and create effective tools for holding individuals accountable for their crimes and helping those who suffer from addiction to hard drugs get the necessary treatment to begin new lives.”

Rev. Jonathan Mosely Western Regional Director of the National Action Network Los Angeles

“California needs Prop 36’s tougher laws against smash-and-grab thefts so we can keep small businesses open in every community.”

Robert Rivinius Executive Director of the Family Business Association of California

“Fentanyl has killed too many people, yet traffickers can avoid the consequences. We need Prop 36 because no parent should ever have to bury another child killed by fentanyl poisoning."

Gina McDonald Co-Founder of the Mothers Against Drug Addiction and Deaths

“I am proud to lend my support to this public safety initiative that would make changes to Prop 47 which would address serious spikes in drug and theft crimes since the pandemic. Local law enforcement and my constituents are saying enough is enough.”

Assemblymember James Ramos, (D-Highland)

“Small businesses are some of the biggest victims of rampant retail theft, driving community businesses out of neighborhoods across California. We need common sense reforms to ensure repeat criminals are held accountable, and small businesses do not continue to pay the price for inaction.”

Julian Canete, President and CEO of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce

"The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act will make targeted but impactful changes to our laws around fentanyl and help us tackle the chronic retail theft that hurts our retailers, our workers, and our cities. I fully support this measure and know it will make a meaningful difference for cities across California."

Mayor London Breed, San Francisco

“Repeat retail theft erodes my ability to stay in business and threatens the safety of my employees. Without accountability, the cycle of theft continues. It's time for action. That’s why I support this commonsense initiative."

Jim Relles, Owner of Relles Florists

“Retail theft disproportionately affects communities of color, exacerbating economic disparities and hindering progress. This initiative is about restoring commonsense accountability measures that will make our streets safer and stop the rampant theft that has plagued too many neighborhoods across California.”

Joe Coto, President of United Latinos Action and former Democrat Assembly Member